1. Governance of UU Women’s Groups

Have a Wonderful Meeting

Planning and Publicity

You have group members and you know what you’re going to cover at your meetings. You want your interest group to be successful. Use this checklist to be sure you’ve taken care of the many small details that enable meetings to run smoothly.

  1. Set a date, time and place for your meeting.
  2. Call the church office to check for calendar conflicts and to ask to have your event noted on the church calendar. Arrange to borrow a church key if needed.
  3. Write an announcement for the church newsletter (be sure to spell out all acronyms). Be sure to note the date, time, and place of the meeting, and to state that the event is open to all women in the church. Give a contact person and telephone number for those who may have questions.
  4. If you are the event planner, it is a good idea to get some help with planning, refreshments and other details. The more people with jobs, the more ownership and attendees.
  5. Whenever possible, use a telephone tree or e-mailings to remind your group members of meetings. For rare special events you may want to mail notices.

Guidelines for Meetings

  1. UU women’s groups should welcome old members and newcomers. Don’t forget introductions! And do provide frequent fun getting-to-know-you activities or, in groups where members know each other well, time for sharing or check-in. Use nametags whenever members do not know names. You may wish to ask everyone to bring a friend.
  2. Arrange for newsprint, tape, markers, pencils, paper, and other materials as needed.
  3. Arrange for refreshments. Remember that food is a comfort and encourages a sense of community.
  4. Delegate! Fight burnout by asking others to share in the responsibilities as much as possible. You may want to delegate or rotate responsibility for refreshments, publicity (notices in the church newsletter, posters, mailings, phone calls), planning meetings, communicating with the church office and/or Board members of the women’s organization.

These guidelines were derived, in part, from materials provided by the UUWF Women’s Group in Lincoln, Nebraska.