1. Governance of UU Women’s Groups

Circle Group with a Leader
Michael Servetus Fellowship (lay led)
Fridley, Minnesota

Fellowship membership: 110

Type of women’s group: A women’s spirituality group that meets monthly, in the evening, with 5–12 attending each meeting. Curricula tried in the past include: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, Rise Up and Call Her Name, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and a number of videos including Goddess Remembered, Burning Times, and Full Circle. The group has also tried a hodge-podge method with a different topic each month, used the labyrinth at the nearby United Theological Seminary, and enjoyed free art projects together such as making paper and cards. They occasionally engage in social action such as attending the candlelight vigil for domestic abuse victims at the Anoka Courthouse.

Leaders: Lauren Culbert and Carlotta Stomberg

UU Women’s Federation affiliated? No. They affiliated one year but members didn’t want to continue.

Dues? No but women put donations in a basket at the end of each meeting.

Food? Yes, always! Sometimes they have potluck meals and sometimes one person is in charge. Food is essential since some of the women members come to circle directly from work.

Highs? Women get to know each other well.

Lows? While drawing 10–20% of the female members is better than most congregations can manage, if attendance is low, the group feels quite small.

Circle Group with a Leader