1. Governance of UU Women’s Groups

The Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation:
Why Your Church Women’s Group Ought to Affiliate

An overview by Dru Cummins,
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis

The Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation (UUWF) was formed in 1963 through the consolidation of the Association of Universalist Women (formed in 1869) and the Alliance of Unitarian women (formed in 1890). The UUWF is an associate member of the Unitarian Universalist Association and serves to preserve and celebrate the unique experience of UU women, advocate for them, and celebrate their accomplishments throughout the continent.

UUWF programming consists of preliminary meetings of the yearly General Assembly (GA) gatherings, as well as workshops and gatherings, and the presentation of the Ministry to Women Award at GA. The UUWF has provided leadership in organizing support for resolutions considered at General Assembly regarding women’s rights, violence against women, clergy misconduct, racism, and cultural diversity.

The organization has published papers about life crises, feminist theology, and sexual misconduct of clergy in addition to curricula including Cakes for the Queen of Heaven and Rise Up and Call Her Name.

UUWF membership dues are $15 per year; members receive the newsletter, The Communicator, which includes news that is relevant to UU women such as women’s activities and programs.

In recent years, there has been a decline in continental membership due to the failure of local chapters to include UUWF membership as part of their chapter membership dues, and also because of the decline of UU women’s groups across the continent. Churches and fellowships can join with five or more interested individuals and are encouraged to do so in support of broader advocacy work. Annual dues for group members of affiliate congregations are $15 per person while individuals pay $35 yearly. Individuals who do not receive The Communicator, tend to miss out on news pertinent to UU women. Without full membership, the UUWF operates with only a part of its potential while advocating for UU women.

As an associate member of the UUA, the UUWF is entitled to observe UUA Board meetings, is provided office space at the UUA headquarters in Boston, and reports to the UUA General Assembly. A tribute to the UUWF training of its leaders, the last two moderators of the UUA, Natalie Gulbrandson and Denise Davidoff, were former UUWF presidents.

For more information about the UUWF, call the director, Ellen Spencer, at 617–948–4692, or write to the UUWF at 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02108 or e-mail uuwf@uua.org. For information on joining the UUWF see Appendix E.

See Notable UU Women From Our Time for more information about Drusilla Cummins.