
Appendix D: Tips on Hosting a Rummage Sale

to Raise Funds for Your Women’s Group

From AUW, First Universalist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Three months before the sale

  1. Discuss the following items with the board of the women’s group:
  2. Contact Dunwoody or another organization to see if they’ll pick up unsold electronic equipment on Saturday afternoon.
  3. Contact teens in the church to explore the possibility of their involvement, especially on publicity and electronic help.
  4. Publicize the nature of the sale: run ads in the church newsletter.
  5. Accept only children’s clothing (for ages ten and younger).
  6. Seek electronic equipment (computers, printers, software, televisions, radios, stereos, etc.  But note: as of 2002, electronic equipment is no longer selling well in rummage sales; further, it is difficult to get rid of once the sale is over. Also avoid exercise equipment!
  7. Encourage church members to “start cleaning out closets now,” and to bring all donated articles to the church beginning (date).

Two months before the sale

  1. Line up a “Manager of the Day” for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday sale days.
  2. Line up two assistants for each of the days Monday through Thursday.
  3. Announce the need for rummage sale managers and assistants at the Mother Daughter Banquet.
  4. Contact all of the women’s groups in the church and ask them to sign up to provide several volunteers for a three-hour shift to work together sorting, pricing, etc.
  5. Finalize publicity plans—identify person responsible for tracking deadlines.
  6. Continue advertising the sale and soliciting donated items through the church newsletter

One month before the sale

  1. Begin making contacts for placing newspaper ads, etc.
  2. Determine where in the church donations might be collected—social hall or closet?
  3. Ask teens for a plan on how to organize the electronic merchandise (i.e. categories, what’s needed, such as power strips)
  4. Secure volunteers willing to “price” items in the sale
  5. Announce the need for volunteers at the Annual Meeting of the AUW and at the church’s annual meeting
  6. Send postcards to all church members: Ten Reasons to Shop at the AUW Rummage Sale. Suggest that members make a monetary contribution if they are unable to work at the sale, bake, or donate merchandise.
  7. Finalize schedule of volunteers