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Welcome! Here you will find information and activities related to the revised Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum and its use in Unitarian Universalist congregations and in other organizations. This site is a combined effort of Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion core group and various Cakes and W&R groups.

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Songs to Celebrate the Goddess CD by Carole Etzler Eagleheart
Many of these are featured in Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum!
LISTEN  1. Spirit Call (2:10)
LISTEN  2. We Honor the Water (2:37)
LISTEN  3. Return (4:31)
LISTEN  4. Keep Walking in the Light (2:10)

LISTEN  5. She Calls to Us (4:57)
LISTEN  6. Your Daughters Come to Honor You (3:51)
LISTEN  7. We Come Singing (7:44)
LISTEN  8. Sappho's Dance (2:29)
LISTEN  9. I Am the Sister of the Tree (2:17)
LISTEN  10. Joyful We Come Dancing (3:35)
LISTEN  11. We Stand on Holy Ground (2:11)
LISTEN  12. In the Womb of the Mother (7:13)
LISTEN  13. May We Be Strong (1:25)
LISTEN  14. Blessed Be This Child and Mother (3:18)
LISTEN  15. Merry Meet (1:59)

UUW&R Exclusive!

Also available as DOWNLOADABLE tracks, and Songbook.


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