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For our April WomanSpirit gathering, UUFBR Intern Jan Taddeo brings us a taste of her experience at the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women. We will explore the role of the feminine divine in myths and rituals celebrating the seasons, specifically the Demeter-Persephone story related to spring -- including a dramatic reading of a one-act play by Dr. Pat Montley, "Persephone's Journey"  -- and exploration of how the play's representation of women's identity ties in with our own experiences.

As always, all UUFBR women members and friends are welcomed to this gathering:  Monday, April 13th -- 7:30 p.m.,  in the Sanctuary.

best to you all,
mary c..............................

June 2008:  After months -- well, maybe even a year of moth-balling their drums, the Boca Babes recently drummed their way through an evening of meditation and relaxation and just plain fun.
Then, they cranked the energy back up with some special donuts provided by Karen Sherman, Facilitator of our June gathering.
Now we're scattering for the summer and will return for another season of WomanSpirit on Monday, Sept. 7th.
We welcome any of our sisters to these join in gatherings with us.
More info?  mhcadwell@yahoo

Dear Women of WomanSpirit---
Our May Gathering will be next week: Monday, May 11th :
7:30 p.m. in Osias Hall. (For those who don't know UUFBR too well, Osias is the large room you walk through on the way to the Sanctuary, so come in the usual front door to find us.)

The evening will center around The Artful Bras Project -- which was designed by some South Carolina quilters to raise breast cancer awareness in a unique way. Plan on an evening of shared beauty and creativity (plus some funky humor) as we will be creating "artful bras." (If you want to learn more in advance, "Google" "artful bras.")

As always, all UUFBR women members and friends are invited to be with us at WomanSpirit gatherings. Questions?? please feel free to contact Leslie Rigg, Adele Alexandre, or me.

Please bring with you, if possible:
old bras, ribbons, buttons, beads, other interesting findings --

see you there.... mary c...........

And, just for your contemplation....
Breast cancer walks daily among us at UUFBR -- having made its mark on at least 18 UUFBR women at some time during the past 20 years.



Dear Women of WomanSpirit -- The summer is fading fast (even if not the heat!) and we'll soon head into the new program year at UUFBR.
So, this is to let you know about the next couple of months of WomanSpirit gatherings:
Monday, Sept. 8th -- 7:30 p.m. 
We gather in circle in the Sanctuary to celebrate "Being Present" to the new Fellowship season and to each other.   Questions?  feel free to contact me  (852-9884).  
Monday, Oct. 13th -- 7:30 p.m. -- Sanctuary
Adele Alexandre will bring us the story: Tales of the Footbinder, plus a review of the Florida UU Women and Religion retreat of the weekend before.   (See more on FL W&R at the end of this note.)
As always, WomanSpirit gatherings are open to all UUFBR women members and friends -- pass the word -- car pool with friends -- our circle is always expandable!
And, please do some thinking about a gathering you would like to present :  either with someone else, or by yourself -- either at UUFBR, or somewhere else.  Check your 2nd Monday evening calendars for the months ahead and come prepared to sign up for the 
date(s) that work best for you to lead a WomanSpirit gathering this year.
See you September 8th!  It will be great to be together again!
mary c.....................

Dear Women of WomanSpirit... 
Next Monday, June 8th, we gather for an evening of celebration of the month of June:  June is named for the Goddess Juno; it's the time of Summer Solstice, of weddings and graduations -- it's the time for UUA General Assembly and for easing into summer activities.  

All UUFBR women members and friends are welcome to be part of this gathering at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary:     bring a June poem or piece of music, a solstice candle (non-scented, please), pictures from June occasions, or ??????

Bring also your thoughts about the future of the "scarf hoop" we created last November when Jan Taddeo led us through the sacred hoop ritual.   We have been keeping the hoop in Jan's office -- but she is leaving soon.  Would those whose scarves are on the hoop like to have them returned?  or should we send the scarves & hoop on with Jan so that other women can add to it when she leads this ritual elsewhere?  or, should we ....(what are your thoughts?)..............???   


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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