Convocation Aftermath: More than a conference the Convocation was a call to action mixing the highest sense of Oneness and love for all, with stories of real people inspiring change to the practical aspects of maintaining one's spiritual growth amidst surmounting breakdowns in our social fabric – economy, – unemployment and homelessness, - violence - local and international oppression - women and disenfranchisement, - environment – climate change and more poverty. A strong context of research, statistics, and studies provided the backdrop for strategies, networks and individuals to catalyze action. Women were energized spiritually, challenged intellectually, and moved to action. Each woman could find the resources at the Convocation, unique to her path, whether it be a deep, intimately inner search or an external mission to improve life on this planet. I loved the way in which everyone’s talents were celebrated and how all of the parts went into making the whole --- making the whole world a better place.

Convocation Opened Door: Without a doubt hearing the “Indigenous Peoples story” as told by an indigenous woman was a first for many Convocation participants. Most individuals had heard anecdotes about the poor conditions for one indigenous group or another. All taking place in far off exotic places… However the Convocation opened many doors once the voice and story of Indigenous Peoples was shared. We are, right now as I write this, attending the UUA international meeting in Romania. We have been asked to present a session on IPs based upon the response we received from the Houston Convocation. In addition we are now in partnership with the UU congregation in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, Africa, working jointly with the Batwa or Pygmies who have been evicted to make way for national parks. We have several more events where we are participating with UUA since the Houston Convocation. Oh, and Rev. Dorothy Emerson and I are talking about writing a book to bring voice to this huge concern.
To Summarize: My mother was an actual member of UUA and my connection is deep but I fall short of a practicing member of a congregation.
I could see tremendous connections and progress was made at the Convocation.
We have individuals in the network who keep in touch with us and help with letters or campaigns.
We have started a full partnership with the Brazzaville UU congregation to do community development with the Batwa.
We have started a full partnership with the Brazzaville UU congregation to do community development with the Batwa.
We are planning to partner with a UUA member, Dorothy, to write a book.
We are attending several UUA conferences to build more partners.
I would say this is pretty excellent indication of progress.
I want to thank the women of the Houston Convocation for giving First Peoples Worldwide the chance to come and be a part of their community. Together we can change the world.
With deep appreciation,