Herstory - District and Regional
Friday, October 10th
3 – 6pm: Registration and Name Tags
5 – 6pm: Social hour – Manor House
6:30 pm: Dinner in Dining Hall (Late Arrivals: Dinner cannot be saved.)
7:30 pm: Artisans’ Bazaar/Book Sale – Manor House
8 pm: Ingathering and Opening Ceremony – Tent/canopy (Bring anything that makes noise)
11 pm: Quiet Hour
Saturday, October 11th
7 a.m. Morning Meditation or trail walking
8 am: Breakfast in Dining Hall>
9 –9:45 am: Ingathering—Tent/Canopy
10:00 – 12:00: Morning workshops
12:00 pm: Lunch in Dining Hall
1 – 3 pm: Early Afternoon Workshops
3:30 – 5:30 pm: Late Afternoon Workshops
5 – 6 pm: Social Hour
6 pm: Dinner in Dining Hall
6:45 – 7:45 pm: Bazaar and Book Sale
8:00 pm: Evening Session: Tent /Canopy
9:00 pm: Fire Pit Celebration: Honoring the ancestors, Honoring ourselves
(bring your drums, any other instruments, & your voice)
11 pm: Quiet Hour
Sunday, October 12th
7 a.m. Morning Meditation or trail walking
8 am: >Breakfast in Dining Hall
9:00 – 10 am: Check out
9:30 – 10:30 am: Closing Ceremony:
11 am: Say farewells
6th Annual Florida Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat
April 8 -10, 2016
DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center - Ellenton Florida
As the theme suggests, we’ll be traveling in mind, heart, and spirit… discovering many paths to explore ourselves and the world to see how movement in this world is, itself, home. It’s an adventure that we’ll share through music, art, movement, poetry, meditation, and play.The retreat begins Friday at 5:00pm and ends Sunday at Noon.
DaySpring Conference Center is conveniently located off I-75 just north of Sarasota on Florida’s West Coast. The beautiful campus nestled under ancient oaks and located on a cove of the Manatee River offers a serene setting for our annual retreat. Take a look. http://Dayspring.dioswfl.org.
$220 per person covers expenses for a semi-private room and six meals. 8 women share a cozy cottage with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths, a screened porch and common area. A non-refundable deposit of $20 will reserve your place. Final payment is due January 15, 2016.Come join us for a memorable weekend. To register contact Helen Leddy helen.leddy@gmail.com
Quoting an article from TampaBay.com:
"The University of South Florida, which leases the 160-year-old house north of Brooksville and runs it as a conference center, will shut it down July 1. The facility loses about $100,000 a year, said spokeswoman Lara Wade, "and we can no longer afford to subsidize it.''
That means no more retreats or weddings, no more jobs for the Manor House's five employees, and, most importantly, an uncertain future for what may be the county's most historically significant and scenic property."
What this means to us is that we currently have no place to host this fall's retreat. Those of you who may know of a suitable site, please contact Michelle Gilberrt-Gregg by email: mmgyoga2go at yahoo.com
Michelle has been working on a retreat for October 9 - 11, 2009, to be titled
Peace through Yoga.
There are some facilities that may be available, but that could involve more rustic facilities, or greater expense, or reduced privacy. If you are interested in attending a UUWR retreat this fall, please let Michelle know your thoughts on this.
Conference 2003
Theme Speaker: Gloria Wright, Ph.D.
Dr. Gloria Wright, familiar to some of us from SUUSI, will inspire us, entertain us, and educate us. Her theme workshop will invite us to define our meaning of spirituality, examine how we let our spirit evolve, and develop understanding of the importance of the lost dreams and realities of our lives.
She will ask us to trade in our judgment for discernment. She will talk about the immense self-will that it takes to give up the need to be right. gloria will tell us of her personal journey, but will not offer us her map.
We are all mirrors, are we not?
Come listen, feel, examine, probe, and question.
Dr. Wright is listed in Whos Who in the South and Southwest and in the World's Who's Who of Women. She resides in Atlanta, Georgia and lectures also in Europe and South America.
Opening Speaker: Linda Plummer
Bridging the Generation Gap in our Religious CommunitiesWe will explore the predominant four generations in our congregations today: the Veterans (b.1922-1943), the Baby Boomers (b.1943-1960), Generation X (b.1960-1980) and Generation Y (b.1980-2000). Who are the people in each generation? What events shaped or are shaping them? What is each generation's personality? This program will help us to understand the social, political, religious, and economic forces that shaped each generation and to appreciate the unique contributions that each generation brings to our religious community. We will also have some fun with "Name that Tune" - who can identify the most songs representing all the generations? Join us for this fun, informative and interactive experience!
Linda Plummer is president of Plummer & Associates, a Jacksonville, FL based Human Resources consulting and training firm. She has a special interest in studying generations and is a popular speaker with businesses and associations. She has been a member of the Atlanta and Jacksonville Unitarian Universalist churches. Linda has served on the Board of the Jacksonville church and also on the Board of The Mountain. She has attended SUUSI for 25 years and has been a delegate to General Assembly 3 times.
- Service Project for the American Cancer Society -Sewing turbans and small pillows for chemotherapy recipients.
- Discussion of Current Political Trends
- Mother Daughter Encounter - led by gloria wright
- Radical Persuasion - A slice of UU history
- Group Singing - for the Joy of it!
- Women's Often-Overlooked Health Issues
Healing and Changing Our World
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
For generations women have been healers, and that tradition has been passed down to our daughters thru the ages. Women find many different ways to make things better, we kiss boo boos, plant trees, create art, make chicken soup, hug and listen, sing lullabies and chant protest songs and carry memories of loved ones into the next generation.
We heal each other as well in ways we may not be aware of because to heal our world, we have to heal ourselves first. Our world seems to be tearing apart right now. We can choose to see it as re-modeling, tearing apart to rebuild in a better way.
Although we sometimes feel small and powerless in the chaos, gathering women in one place is empowering.
This weekend’s gathering hopes to offer some ways to think about healing and ideas of things to do that can help change our world. There are so many wonderful things happening and we have some great workshops planned, so we hope you will choose to make a difference in your life and in the world around you by joining and enjoying this time together.
We will have a labyrinth on loan from the Hospice of Pasco County. Each woman will have the option of signing up for her time alone in the sanctuary with the labyrinth.
- Harmonic Rituals for Everyday Balance-Elly Kelly Baker
- Energy Medicine - Liz Mason
- Ecofeminism – Spirituality and Activism -Lynn Carol Henderson
- Our Rwanda Sisters - Cece Yochum
- Ratify the ERA - Sandy Oestreich
- Healing with Music- Amy Carol Webb
- Taoist Tai Chi demonstration and participation
- Facial Massage Meditation - Margaret Shepherd
- Living Organically - Jeri Baldwin
- Creating Prayer Shawls - MJ Arnaldi and Karen Frank
- Women and Economics in the Third World - Linda Lucas
- Solar Funnel Cookers – Mary Wickensheimer
Here are the pictures of the Conference held at UU Clearwater, contributed by Diane, Carol & Mary.
Click on the first picture to start the slide show, keep your mouse near the upper right of the photo to click on "Next" when you're ready.
"Retreat” :: “process of withdrawing for
meditation, study; place of privacy & safety; refuge.”
Retreats allow us to withdraw, take refuge, leave the ordinary world, while we meditate, learn, relax. From that withdrawal, within that refuge, through that meditation, comes the possibility of change/of transformation/of altering the prism through which we see the world: of finding the extraordinary -- within ourselves!
Join us in this weekend of women circles:
walk a labyrinth, with your feet or with your fingers; design a mandala, a dreamcatcher, or a kaleidoscope; create a “DreamGroup” or a “PeerSpirit“ circle; write, take pictures, meditate, dance, chant; explore the cycles & circles of nature; share in a “Trust Walk.”
Join us in this weekend of possibilities:
from relaxation to transformation,
from silent contemplation to joyous celebration,
presented by 13 UU sisters from Boca Raton.
At the Fall 2001 Retreat, the organizers laid out a labyrinth on the grass, outlined with clothesline. Tobey Miller offered a writing workshop titled Spiraling In, Spiraling Out
(for Tobey Miller & the Boca Babes)
You may never go to Stonehenge
nor yet the Cathedral at Chartres.
The traceries of fairies in the dew
may never grace your lawn.
But the mystic circle,
the mandala, the labyrinth
can rise at will.
The labyrinth on canvas,
painted and portable;
the more enduring,
planted with tiny hedges,
outlined with shells,
patterned with stones.
The truly ephemeral
drawn with chalk,
with string,
with spray paint,
with duct tape if you will.
With clothesline.
Each invites us to spiral in,
to focus on our core,
to spiral out refreshed.
Marble and mosaic can do no more.
-Lynn Montgomery, Miami
Facilitator: Diane Anderson
Co-Facilitator: Michelle Gilbert
Diane Anderson has been facilitating and participating in Women's programs for over 12 years. She has presented programs titled: Women Who Dance with Spirit, Unmasking the Soul, Resurrecting the Primal Spirit, and Women's Day of Renewal. Diane also teaches and lectures on Native American ritual and ceremony. She leads ceremonies recognizing rights of passage, such as those honoring women reaching maturity and older women at the end of child bearing. For many years, Diane led a Medicine Wheel Ceremony for a monthly Indian gathering and was the lead drummer/singer at many other gatherings and ceremonies. Both she and her husband, Glenn, lead Sweat Lodges for groups. Diane and her husband of 20 years have written a workbook for couples, Relationship Renewal: Step Up to Intimacy, and also lecture couples on achieving joyful relationships. Diane may be reached at (727) 898-9653 or by e-mail at WolfSongMe@aol.com.
Michelle Gilbert, originally from Maine, has lived in Florida for ten years. She has recently graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a degree in Museum Studies and lives on Treasure Island.
El Caribe Resort & Conference Center Daytona Beach, FL
Rooms with a View - Blue Chiffon - Pretty Feet
Beach Walks - Sand Castles - Water Drums - Sunrises
Yoga - Journaling - Books - Breakfast in Bed - Brownies
Laughter - Fun - Songs - Little Goddesses - Sisterhood
Dive deep into a spiritual and relaxing full moon, ocean side Florida Women & Religion retreat Nov. 7-9 on Daytona Beach. Bubbles, mermaid tea, and sunrises from private balconies! Some Florida women requested that we try a different locale for a retreat so join your sisters on the beach. All women who have served as W&R co-chairs are specially invited. Our private retreat space faces the ocean. Breakfasts, lunch and dinner will be enjoyed in our private ocean view retreat environment. We have a large goddess suite, three breakout suites, private balconies, heated pool, and a wide beach for our pleasure.
Facilitator: Michele Hope
Co-Facilitator: Ann Goodrich
Michele Hope of Key Biscayne is a “key” retreat planner. A teacher, education specialist, counselor, connected to the Womenspirit retreats at The Mountain, and the woman who croned our co-chair Lucy Swenson-Knights, Michele will lead us in guided meditations, special ingatherings, and fun.
Mary Ann Goodrich of St. Petersburg owns Impeccable Consulting, a facilitation, training and project development company. Mary Ann is connected to the UU community and serves as volunteer coordinator at First Unity Church in St. Petersburg. She is hospitality coordinator for the retreat and has planned many surprises.
Additional planning committee sisters: Diane Anderson (designer of fantastic logo), Carol Vogel, Cathy Stanton, Mary Cadwell, Sondra Ickes, Pamela Leavy
All Text property of Fl UU W&R and its contributors
Elly Kelly Baker and UU women from around Florida invite you to share this weekend of
Ethereal Music ~ Workshops ~ Belly Dancing ~ Meditative, Music-Inspired Art ~ Crystal Bowls ~ Sisterhood ~ Visitations from Our Creative Muses ~ Drumming ~ Sacred Space ~ Yoga ~ Deeper Listening~ Improvisation~ Chanting ~ Free-Form Movement ~ Harmony ~ Hawaiian Ancient Kahuna Principles ~ Accessing Your Creative Flow ~ Ritual
"When you put your heart into your music, it goes everywhere." Alyshia Keyes
Music is considered the most spiritual of the arts for it originates in another realm.
Whether you accept the modern-day concept of "String Theory" (Everything in the Universe is composed of vibrating strands of matter in space.) or your ancient DNA instinctively senses it----Music is everywhere and allows us to spiritually transcend this existence.
Music connects us all to the spiritual experience of being human. And so, we are all natural musicians: Every moment our biological systems rhythmically ebb and flow, pulse and pause. Everyday we voice our intentions and express our innermost vibrations with our ongoing "dance" of body language.
Consider how our minds constantly struggle to keep pace with the never-ending input of stimuli. Our bodies are likewise continually adjusting to the daily rhythms around us. Our spirits are endlessly searching to co-create balance and harmony with our Self and our Universe. At times we may "tune out"; we can feel "out of sync"; we sense that we're not "resonating very well" with others; we may even get "strange vibes" when we are in unfamiliar surroundings. Our language hints at what's needed: Just as every object in the universe creates its unique vibrational "song", we are asked to rediscover our ancient pathways to harmonic union and spiritual creative flow.
We are asked to remember that Music is our birthright, and we are all natural musicians. Intention, not perfection, is the key.
So, join us on a spiritual rendez-vous with music. Come with an open heart and mind. Give yourself permission to accept and share the unique gifts with which you have been blessed. Together we will call forth our Muses and re-awaken our musical connection to the cosmos.
Through sound, dance, art, and writing, we will access and realign our inner and outer spheres of harmonic energy. Together we will laugh, gyrate, chant, glide, tone, meditate, drum, hug, and release our way to vibrational union.
May Your Journey Bring Harmony,
Fall 2005 - Laughing at Sacred Cows
What We Expect Will Happen Till the Cows Go Home
"In the beginning there was nothing. God said, Let there be light! And there was light.
There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better." - Ellen DeGeneres
At our Friday night Ingathering after dinner we will invoke the directions and create our circle once again. We'll get acquainted or re-acquainted, and introduce the idea of laughing at (and with) Sacred Cows, especially those connected with organized religions and some forms of spirituality. The use of humor and laughter in healing wounds, both physical and spiritual, will be stressed this weekend, especially in our workshops. We'll share some anecdotes and jokes, maybe sing a song or two. Did we mention that we'll laugh a lot?
Did you celebrate World Laughter Day in May? Do you belong to a Laughter Club? It was news to us but we'll learn about it all when we gather Saturday morning right after breakfast with Sandra Herskowitz, Certified Laugh Leader, who will help us tone our laugh muscles and discover the healing power of laughter. Recommendation: Don't sleep late; nap later.
When we have caught our breath, Adele Alexandre will offer the first of two workshops on the use of humor to reduce stress in caring for others and ourselves, 'The Healing Power of Humor, Lightening Up with Laughter.' Space and workshop time will be set aside for the ongoing making and wearing of Silly Hats, and the creating of Sacred Cows from potatoes, sort of Mrs. Bovine Potato Heads. You will introduce your cow on Saturday night.
After lunch Adele will give a repeat workshop and there will be a workshop on the art of the clown, given by Ann Myers. She will teach us to laugh and enjoy the benefits of laughter while exploring our faces and features as we apply clown make up and find our smile lines. Bring a joke or a smile for the group.
It's also a long, long time from August to November. The retreat planning has already been blessed with serendipity and we anticipate more surprises. There will be time for rest, recreation, swimming, canoeing, and what-you-will.
Saturday night is for more fun and games: devising a Ritual of the Sacred Cow, naming our cows and placing them on the altar, presenting other fruits of our workshops, hearing a story from Jill Oldenski, and winding up with our very own Open Mike. Sorry Drummer Girls, 'not tonight Josephine,' too many other groups in residence. We will end Saturday evening with a campfire and marshmallows.
"If life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt."
Sunday morning after nine o'clock checkout time we will have our closing circle, laugh some more, evaluate our experiences, open the circle, send the cows home, and exit laughing.
Two nudists of Dover,
Being purple all over,
Were munched by a cow
When mistaken for clover.
- Ogden Nash
Kyle emailed Sandy to ask her for the bibliography so we could post it on our web site. This is a link to Sandy Herskowitz’s web site:
This is the link for the world laughter tour that she talked about:
If you email the webweaver with a request, you can get a link to a page of pictures from this retreat...
"One Christmas I lurked in corners nursing a twisted splinter in my foot, permitting no one to come near me. When Uncle Jack [a doctor] caught me, he kept me laughing about a preacher who hated going to church so much that every day he stood at his gate in his dressing-gown, smoking a hookah and delivering five-minute sermons to any passers-by who desired spiritual comfort. I interrupted to make Uncle Jack let me know when he would pull it out, but he held up a bloody splinter in a pair of tweezers and said he yanked it while I was laughing, that was what was known as relativity." - Scout Finch
from To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Kyle Pierson, St. Petersburg, the daughter of two Irish Catholic parents, showed signs of laughing at sacred cows even as a child. Her parents reported that she frequently annoyed the nuns with philosophical and silly questions. Eventually, she left Catholicism and found herself among the welcoming and irreverent .She has always identified with the Irish sense of humor. In her early career as a journalist, she favored stories highlighting the ironic and absurd. She believes sharpening her sense of humor may be the best advice anyone could give her for her latest transition to a middle school language arts teacher. Kyle has attended many Women & Religion retreats. This is her first time as co-leader.
Lynn Montgomery, Miami, was born into a Universalist Church parsonage and christened in the Odd Fellows Hall (don't ask) which may account for her long fascination with the connection between religion and comedy. She attended her first W&R retreat in 1993, "Stitching Together the Fabric of Our Lives" and has never looked back, but this is her first attempt at co-leading a retreat. Professionally Lynn has spent her life in the non-performing areas of theatre: stage, production, and business management in venues from Broadway to extremely-off-Broadway and in stock companies from West Palm Beach to Skowhegan, Maine. She wound up in Florida teaching theatre at the University of Miami.
A man that can't laugh at himself should be given a mirror.
-- From 'Irish Proverbs' Little Book of Ireland*
Adele Alexandre, Margate, is a Women's Wellness Writer and a trained Hypnotherapist. She will be using singing bowl meditation music, art and jokes to create healing and renewal.
Sandy Herskowitz, Treasure Island, is a Certified Laughter Leader. Sandy has spent most of her career working with abused and traumatized children and adults. In all the work she does, including her private psychotherapist practice, she integrates the power of laughter. She is committed to spreading the "World Laughter Peace Movement" whose slogan is "Think Globally, Laugh Locally".
Ann Myers, Redington Shores, has clowned for the Hospice SmileTeam for the past five years. She has trained with Hospice of the Suncoast and with Morton Plant Clown Teams, which is a special form of clowning that requires loving care directed at patients.
Child Care at This Retreat
Florida Women & Religion is committed to offering child care at retreats and conferences. We tried very hard to make the budget work for child care this time, but the registration fee we would have had to charge would make this retreat prohibitively expensive for too many women.
All child care costs, including room and board for two providers, a fee paid to each of them, and materials for the children to use, come from the registration fees charged to all attendees. We normally plan for 4-6 children for a retreat, many of them under age 8. DaySpring is a great place for kids, with walking trails, canoeing, swimming, exploring the river, etc., but a space that really requires two day care providers for 4-6 children. Because we only have 46 on-site spaces this time, the amount of money we can generate from registrations is insufficient to cover the costs of two child care providers.
We have developed a budget that will support having two girls aged 10-11, under the care of their parent with no other child care provider available. The registration fee for these two girls would be $85, and is available on a first come-first served basis. Girls 12 and over are also welcome, and they will be charged the full registration fee of $160 (due to DaySpring costs). The content of the general sessions and the workshops should be suitable for children, unless we get really raunchy with our jokes!
We will continue to strive to have child care available at retreats in the future. The more people we can accommodate at a retreat, the more revenue we can generate to pay for child care. We strongly encourage any mothers with children to join us in the Area Communicators' group, where these items are discussed, so that we can benefit from your recommendations.
Artisans' Bazaar
There will be space for up to five artisans to sell their wares at the retreat. Vendor spaces are reserved on a first come/first served basis. Vendors are requested to donate 10% of gross sales to Florida W & R. To reserve space, contact Carol Andros @ candros@tampabay.rr.com or 727-723-8280.
"Being Peace"
Our Fall Retreat

October 12, 13, 14 2007
Chinsegut Hill Conference and Retreat Center
After our amazing conference in May, where we discussed Healing & Changing our World, few things could seem more timely than a retreat focused on bringing & being peace. We will spend our time together learning & sharing about the concept of peace & what holds us back from peace in our minds, bodies, spirits, and our greater world. During our ingathering, we will share a Gifting Blanket - a Native American tradition that teaches us about gratitude & the perfect web of all things. Please bring a small gift of personal significance - perhaps something you already own - wrapped in brown paper or newsprint with your name inside. We will exchange these gifts in a meaningful way - each receiving exactly the gift that was meant for us. We will be given many other gifts, of course, on this special retreat - a knowing smile, a hug, a deep insight, hearty laughter, and the magic of being in community.
We will have workshops to help you achieve peace in your body & spirit. We will create a communal piece of art that will represent what holds us all back from peace & which we will burn in ceremony on Saturday night. And we will hold small group discussions about peace - what it is, how to achieve it, and why it matters. This promises to be a fabulous event - we look forward to seeing you all there!
We have a number of workshops in mind. These are a sample of what may be available.
Join us for gentle Yoga and experience a peaceful session whereby you work to integrate yourself with the environment, the body, the mind, and the spirit.
Nature Walk Meditation
The Chinsequt grounds have wonderful nature trails. A Peace inspirited walking meditation will be set up for your enjoyment. Walk alone or with others to reinvigorate your soul, find inspiration and renew yourself for life after our woman's gathering.
Community Art
Faith will facilitate a communal Peace art project which will be created during the day. It will play an integral part in Saturday night's extravaganza. This project will be ritually burned as an offering to the spirit of peace.
Non-violent Communication
Susan Hefte will lead a group exercise and discussion on productive methods of communication in today's world. Susan is a dynamic presenter who will inspire and facilitate an amazing discussion.
Peace Ribbon Project
The Peace Ribbon honors the victims of the Iraq War by creating a memorial to fallen soldiers and Iraqi civilians. The Peace Ribbon Project in an ongoing project and our goal is to create a remembrance panel for each life that has been claimed by this war. The Peace Ribbon has been displayed around the country. You can visit The Peace Ribbon Project for photos. You will be invited to help create a panel. Bring sewing machines and scraps if you'd like. You may also just find out more about Code Pink.
FL W&R 2008 Fall Retreat!
October 10-12, 2008
Chinsegut Hill Education Conference Center
University of South Florida, Brooksville
5th Annual Florida Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat
March 20 - 22, 2015
Cedarkirk Conference Center, Lithia Florida
Through structured and unstructured activities, attendees will discover ways to connect to themselves as they are today, see others in new light, and delve into the spiritual and natural universes. Take a new look at the labyrinth, create a private centering display, and experience mental and possibly physical challenges with leaders through Pathfinders. Spend time with some new others or see old friends in a deeper way. Such will compose the weekend. See you there.
Registration is limited to 40 Participants – reserve your space now !
The retreat is moving to Cedarkirk as DaySpring is not available.
The retreat begins at 5pm Friday afternoon and concludes at noon on Sunday.
Both private and semi private rooms are available. Meals included in your registration fee are Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. Our new location is less expensive! $155 semi private room with $20 deposit $175 first floor semi private room $20 deposit – limited number available $200 private room with $30 deposit – limited number available
Final payment is due by January 15, 2015
For more information and a registration form contact: Helen Leddy helen.leddy@gmail.com
We look forward to another great retreat and hope you will be able to join us this year!
The 2014 program is being planned by women from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft Myers.
The theme is Women and Power.
During our weekend together we will share stories and inspirations and explore the many aspects of power in our lives and in the lives of women of the world.
DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center, located conveniently off I-75, offers a wooded setting on a cove of the Manatee River.
$220 per person covers expenses, including semi-private room and six meals. A non-refundable deposit of $20 will reserve your place.
Final payment is due by January 15, 2014.
For more information and an application, contact Rita Sizemore:
rsrsizemore@gmail.com or call 239-437-1014.
Third Annual Florida UU Women’s Retreat, March 15-17 - The weather was perfect, the setting attractive and the energy warm and welcoming for the forty women who gathered in retreat last month at the DaySpring Conference Center in Ellenton, Florida. For the past three years this gathering has brought UU women together from congregations as far north as Georgia to as far south as Fort Myers. The goal of the retreat is simply to strengthen connections and enjoy time together in a comfortable setting.
The Spring Retreat was a very relaxing affair for the twenty women and five children who attended.
Friday evening, after one of the Pines’ famous dinners, we gathered together around a flower-bedecked Spring altar, courtesy of Leslie Rigg. We closed the circle with thoughtful (and thought-provoking) readings provided by Katie Sill. Then Katie brought out a songbook she’d saved from her childhood, and we launched ourselves into an old-fashioned sing-along. We finally wore ourselves out around eleven and took ourselves to bed.
Saturday we had breakfast and packed our lunches for the day, and took ourselves off to…whatever. Some of us went canoeing (which was magical, despite the deerflies). Others went shopping, and came back with reports of wonderful little shops and special treasures. Some walked trails, Rebecca took two of the kids to the waterpark, and a few went for the ultimate self-indulgence: a good book and a good nap.
Saturday night the ‘Owl Lady’ came with wonderful fierce birds and many tales to tell.
Then there was Free Dancing for those who had a little energy left.
Sunday we rose to breakfast, and discussed the W&R awards while we ate. We gathered once more around the altar, opening the circle (readings provided by Katie) and bid each other a safe trip back. It was fun, which was exactly what we intended.
Inside Out: Mask Making and Spirituality
Once again, we invite you to share in Sabbath Time...
"Sabbath invites limited time
to become expansive time.
Sabbath makes spacious what is cramped.
It makes large out of small,
generous out of stingy,
simple of complex.
Sabbath is time that actively includes
the presence of Spirit...
The purpose is spiritual leisure
to make a spiritual choice
to have time for your own purposes."
--Sabbath Sense, A Spiritual Antidote for the Overworked
Together we will be creating a sense of the Sabbath by entering sacred time and space separate from our routines: time that feels "expansive, spacious, generous"
We will feed our Spirits through ritual, play, dance, laughter, creative focus, and enriching opportunities to be in solitude and community.
We will encourage the freedom to wander, explore, create, discover and have some spaces and times designed for silence and solitude.
This weekend, in particular, we will explore "Inside out", by way of creating a soul mask, guided by Maryanne's work in this area.
Susan Stephenson Hefte has been an active leader and participant in W&R for many years. The last W&R Retreat she facilitated was "Silence and Sharing in Community: A Sabbath Retreat" in 1998. Her work now is largely as a facilitator and trainer of "Alternatives to Violence Project" workshops in community and prison settings with her husband, Darrell Hefte. Her doctoral work in creativity and spirituality continues to be an important focus in her life and in what she brings to this weekend. Susan can be reached at 727/799-0683 or by E-mail drshefte@aol
Maryanne Hamilton has been a participant at two Women & Religion Retreats in the past. Susan is delighted to welcome her to the facilitation of this Retreat. Maryanne is a registered art therapist and writer who has been using creative processes to facilitate personal growth workshops since 1978 in Florida, New York and Tennessee. She enjoys sharing her studies and experiences in art, Sufism, and the healing arts with those who seek to unfold their inner potential. Maryanne can be reached at 727-576-8985; E-mail artxham@hotmail
Finding Your Inner Faerie
Know you what it is to be a child
It is to believe in love
To believe in loveliness
To believe in belief
It is to be so little
That the Elves can reach
To whisper in your ear
It is to turn pumpkins into coaches
Mice into horses
Lowness into loftiness
And nothing into everything
For each child has its Faerie Godmother
In its soul.
-Frances Thompson
Faeries of all ages,
Join us May 16th for a magical weekend at The Pines where we will become Faeries and contemplate Faerie lore through the mediums of dance, song, and art.
The wonderful vocalist Elaine Silver will lead our Friday evening ritual. She will conduct a “Faerie Gathering” Friday night where we will explore the infinite possibilities of the realm of Faeries.
Dress in your best Faerie or Goddess attire as we call the directions and honor women as goddesses. There will be a chance for each woman to express herself and her ideas, encounters, stories, etc. . . involving Faeries.
Think about what you would like to share Friday evening. If you wish, bring a poem, a Faerie figure or other objects related to Faeries to add to the altar. You will also be asked to choose a Faerie name.
On Saturday night Elaine will provide a special concert of Faerie music and sacred songs. Lots of participation will occur naturally as our hearts and minds open to the love and blessing that surround us.
Our Saturday workshops will delve into Faerie lore allowing the creative spirit to emerge through writing, collage, clay and other artistic means. Workshop choices will be available for signup during dinner Friday night.
Wee Faeries may join their Faerie Goddess-mothers for some of the workshops.
Elaine Silver
Leading the evening celebration will be Elaine Silver – Faerie Elaine who sings a cappella and play stringed instruments. Elaine has been nominated as the Garden State Outstanding Folk Performer and has accompanied such noted folk legends as Arlo Guthrie, Suzanne Vega, and Tom Paxton. She has made numerous recordings, and her newest release Faerie Goddess has been very well received. Please visit her website at elainesilver.com to hear samples of her music. Her assistant for the Friday night in-gathering is Fran Kaplan.
Susan Pendergraft
Susan has been attending UUW &R retreats for approximately 15 years. She is a teacher of Gifted Education and is currently teaching at a private Montessori school. She has experienced many years of wonderful retreats. It is her hope this retreat, Finding Your Inner Faerie, will be a great success and that everything her foremothers taught her over the years will culminate this weekend. She has called upon many Faerie Goddess-mothers to help her in this endeavor.
A Storytelling Retreat
To prepare for this Retreat, think of the stories which you learned as a child/teen -- the Latin/Greek/Celtic/other Goddess stories. Secondly, think of the "stories of your life" -- Siblings, Moving, First Day of School, Graduation, Marriage, Baby(ies), Divorces, Single Years, Best Year, Worst Year -- what "characters" did you play in these stories? Who were you 20 years ago? Who are you now? What's YOUR Story?
Lynn Carol Henderson and UU women from around Florida invite you to share this weekend of ritual feasting of womanspirit and adventuring into sacred space. Step up to the table and explore for yourself women’s ritual art in action.
- Friday night graze through fields of the Goddess in an opening ritual combining storytelling performance and the creation of a group mandala.
- Saturday morning digest the art of storytelling, empowering yourself as you create ready-to-tell Goddess tales from your own life.
- Saturday afternoon dip into the workshops and try your hand at Storytelling through DANCE, IMPROV!, COLLAGE, and STORYBOARD.
- Saturday night – BE the Banquet – Sharing Circle filled with laughter and group connections.
- Sunday morning - stay with us for dessert -- the closing mandala ceremony.
- Religious Affiliation:
- St. Petersburg Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Registrar)
- Greensong Grove (1st Degree Wiccan)
- Reformed Congregation of the Goddess (Attender)
- Daughters of the Earth and SisterSpirit (Pan-Indian Spirituality Circles)
- Education:
- BA: Art and Art History, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia
- MFA and teaching certification K-12: Washington University, St, Louis
- Ph.D. Art History and Women's Studies with a focus in Women's Ritual Art, Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Foreign Studies: Art, Language, Shamanism and Healing Modalities Italy, France, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Chile
- Work Experience
- 1980-Present: Ritual leader in Women's Spirituality Groups and Drumming Circles
- 1989-Present: Adjunct Professor, Eckerd College Courses: Magic, Myth and Ritual in Art Collage, Art Appreciation, Altars and Mandalas Adjunct professor, U. of Tampa Courses: Insider/Outsider, Multicultural Art
- 1973-Present: Expressive Arts and Storytelling Workshops (all ages): Eckerd College Guest Lecturer, University of South Florida Guest Lecturer, The Salvador Dali Museum, the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts, The Tampa Museum of Fine Arts, Florida Elder Hostel Programs, Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco and Manatee County Schools, Pinellas and Hillsborough County Arts Councils, Florida Humanities Council , all the Art Centers in Pinellas County (sampling)
- 1980-Present Storytelling Performances: Tampa Recreation Festivals: International Festival, Santa Fest, Hillsborough County Storytelling Festival, Tampa Bay Storytelling Guild Tellebration (sampling)
- Professional Associations:
- PAVA Pinellas Association of Visual Artists
- Tampa Bay Storytelling Guild
- Florida Storytelling Association
- Religious Affiliation:
- Throughout the weekend savor the atmosphere of woman space, dip into the suggestions for future projects, and fascinate yourself with the many ritual sourcebooks from Lynn Carol’s lending library.
Facilitator: Lynn Carol Henderson
Co-Facilitator: Leslie Rigg
Biographical Statement of Lynn Carol Henderson
- More can be seen at: http://www.enigmaartstudio.com
Leslie Rigg has been attending UUW &R retreats and conferences for approximately 8 years. In the course of her life, Leslie has studied/participated in Arica, Unity, Iroquois medicine, A Course in Miracles, Sufi dancing, and multiple styles of personal growth training including dance and movement. She has previously led workshops in a variety of disciplines, from IT training to 12-Step weekends. She is currently exploring the offering of a new personal growth venture, YAGATTAWANNA, which may be seen at http://www.yagattawanna.org
Florida Women and Religion's Annual Spring Retreat
April. 22-24, 2005
at U.U. in the Pines, Brooksville, FL
Sisters, many of us are feeling an intense longing in our lives for serenity and calm and, indeed, a deeper sense of the spiritual in our lives. We are longing for the restoration of power and energy that seems to be drained away in these chaotic times. We are constantly faced with schedules that are over-burdened. We note that our desires to take care of ourselves are too often pre-empted by our need and wish to care for others.
This retreat begins on Earth Day, April 22, 2005. We will come together to reconnect with the earth, with our thankfulness for the grounding and inspiration that is abundant in this realm, and with ourselves as spiritual beings.
We will come together for a weekend with no demands and yet many opportunities. Opportunities for your creative self to be expressive; for your spiritual self to reconnect with a deeper consciousness within you; for your Earth-being-self to give service to the Pines as we help heal the grounds. Read further to learn more about these options.
There will be the opportunity to enter a period of silence at the end of Friday's gathering and to emerge from it at 5:00 PM on Saturday, both by way of a guided meditation. Connecting with friends, old and new, can be significantly different and satisfying through non-verbal expressions. Speak to some of the women who participated in the last silent Women & Religion retreat at the Pines and discover their appreciation of time with no verbal demands. This is a brief taste of silent community that we believe will leave you refreshed and wanting more. This retreat cannot claim that it will satisfy your longing but it does claim that it will give you a window of opportunity to tap into that root and find some ways of healing and nurturing your life.
At the Root of Longing – the Saturday Experience
Experience: creating a Secret Garden triptych, a 3-panel collage that begins with the edges folded in to form a gate on the outside, opening to your spiritual garden. Basic materials supplied.
East The direction of the air, of light, of the emerging soul, of the power to know.
Experience: writing in answer to questions that will help your inner light to emerge and your soul to speak. You may want to bring a journal for this, or some special writing papers and instruments.

Experience: creating your Spirit Candle to light your way on your spiritual journey and to add to the altar for the Saturday evening experience. Basic materials supplie

Experiences: Meditation in any form that helps you access your spiritual center in addition to what we are providing. If you want to bring meditative music we will have a space provided for this. The Center, of course, is the invitation of the rituals that we will be doing on Friday and Saturday nights.
Other spiritual activities that you might choose to experience: Readings from selected books we will provide, on loan for the weekend only, on women’s spirituality and nature – see our book list for suggestions in case you want your own copy. Yoga in the outdoors, in the early morning and other times, led by experienced teachers. A creative project that you bring to the retreat. Silent communication with other women at the Pines. Walks in the woods. Breathing.
Our Retreat Leaders
April 22-24, 2005 at U.U. in the Pines, Brooksville, FL
Retreat Facilitator Biography:
Susan (Stephenson) Hefte has been involved with Florida Women and Religion almost from its beginnings. She was W & R co-chair (with Emily Williams) for two years and has facilitated many W&R retreats at The Pines, including the very first one in November 1987. Her background is in transpersonal psychology with an emphasis on creativity and spirituality. She is a retired licensed mental health counselor and currently facilitates Alternatives To Violence Project community workshops in the Tampa Bay area and monthly at Coleman Federal Correctional Complex. She is also an experienced quilter and textile artist.
Susan has loved facilitating women's retreats and groups since the mid-70's and finds the focus of this retreat particularly valuable. She looks forward to seeing you there.
Sarah K. Snyder is a national consultant and trainer living in Seminole, and has been active in women’s groups and spirituality for over 25 years. She has participated in and led women’s retreats and groups, including some at the Pines. She led one of the national test groups (in Pinellas County) during the final completion of the “Rise Up and Call Her Name” UU curriculum. She counts herself very fortunate to be a part of the truly heady days of the growing women’s spirituality blossoming starting in the mid-70’s, and is excited about continuing the tradition.
Sarah has been having a great time planning this retreat with Susan, and can hardly wait to be silent and spiritual with you!
Goddess of Destruction Goddess of Creation
Two ends of a continuum that we all experience
One of the most dramatic goddesses of Hawaii, Pele has long lived in Hawaiian hearts and minds as the supreme personification of volcanic majesty and power. Within the Hawaiian cosmos all natural forces are regarded as life forces, related to humanity by common descent from the same ultimate creative spirits. Possessing the power to create new land, Pele also has a volcanic personality. She is by nature impetuous and lusty, jealous, unpredictable, and capable of sudden fury and great violence. The goddess Pele is described as "She-Who-Shapes-The-Sacred-Land" in ancient Hawaiian chants. She does so until this day. She has destroyed more than 100 structures on the Big Island since 1983. She has added more than 70 acres of land to the island's southeastern coastline. So even with a title as fierce as "Destroyer," Pele is considered a Mother Goddess. She contains within her both the destructive and creative powers of life.
Come celebrate a weekend in which we invite the Hawaiian Goddess Pele into our circle, to guide and inspire us as we strive for balance in our lives. We will seek Pele's help in living with the power of fire, both internal and external, and in learning to be in balance - to embrace our anger, as well as our calm. We will explore the power of fire to destroy and to renew the creative spirit. Come, join the safety of the circle of women, open your heart to the teachings of fire, and explore how to feed the creative spark within.
Brought to us by
Special Guest - Kalina
Kalina started studying Hawaiian dance in 1980. She has traveled extensively on the mainland, the Hawaiian Islands, and Tahiti to learn from the finest instructors. She teaches hula as a means of honoring both the culture of the islands and if desired, as an honoring of the ancestors. Kalina is well versed in the lore, arts, crafts language, poetry, ukulele, implement and lay making. She offers workshops teaching dance, I'pu gourd drum, feather work, and lei making. Kalina is a fount of knowledge about Hawaiian culture. She offers workshop participants an entertaining, yet profoundly enriching experience.
Leslie Rigg
Leslie Rigg began attending UU Women & Religion Retreats in the early 90's. This is the third time she has been a coordinator for a retreat. Being a coordinator for retreats allows her to use both sides of her brain (left brain / datagrrl / organizer and right brain / yagattawanna / creator).
Susan Pendergraft
Susan has been attending UUW&R retreats since the mid-1980's. She is current Co-Chair. She has participated in local woman circles for many years. Susan helped to create the Fairy retreat a few years ago. She is very creative and has a knack for gathering people and ideas together. Susan has a degree in Cultural Anthropology and has almost completed a M.L.A. in Humanities. She taught in the Gifted Program of Pinellas County for many years.
Special Assistance from Jill Oldenski
Jill has graciously offered her in-depth knowledge of myth and mythic story to help organize this retreat. Jill has been either directly or indirectly involved in helping design many of our retreats. Her contributions are greatly appreciated! Jill uses her love of story to create a line of fine art dolls in a line she calls Story Folk. Jill is also a very talented story teller.
Drum making
In Hawaii, gourd drums were used to accompany chanting during festive as well as spiritual occasions. Learn to make and play a gourd drum. The gourd is cut, scraped out, and sanded clean. Learn a short chant which will be used in the evening ritual. Children will be invited to make a drum.
Ritual Skirts
Using old thrift store skirts we will collage bits of material, findings, paint and stamps to create a ritual Pa'u (Hawaiian skirt) like those used by the goddesses. You may wish to bring an old skirt or you may choose one provided. If you have craft supplies to add to the materials please bring them with you.
Crochet Leis are made with yarn and ribbon. Kalina with Karen Frank will assist fifteen people experienced with crochet hooks and two beginners. These leis are quite beautiful.
Mandala Guided meditation and drawing workshop
Draw a Maori Mandala (specific format and elements) to lead to an understanding about one's current, personal balance in terms of physical, thinking, feeling and spirit (drawing would be 20 minutes).We would then "dream interpret" each person's drawings (up to an hour).
With Kalina as inspiration come learn how the hula reflected many concepts in the natural and spiritual world. You will be introduced to basic hula steps and movement. Children are invited to this workshop.
Writing Workshop
Be inspired by quotes from Hawaiian Spirituality. Story starters will be provided focusing on life blood, harmony, creation and destruction. Create a short piece to share if you wish. Carol Andros will assist.
... has been cancelled.
Unfortunately the details just could not come together for this retreat to happen.
Please continue to check this space periodically for news of a future event or ongoing news concerning UU women and religion in the state of Florida.
If you wish to be a part of regenerating the energy behind this organization, please click on the "Statewide News" link on page left, and read Susan's letter.
Last updated on March 11, 2008