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End of the Line ... or A New Track?

As of April, 2010, the Florida UUW&R web site was shut down. Florida UU Women and Religion has ceased to be an active group for the time being.
Maybe a few years up the line a new group of women will feel the need and find the time and energy to rebirth the group.
For now, some have had health challenges, some have passed on, and too many have found that Spirit has led them in other directions.
The web address has been handed on in trust to the Continental UU Women and Religion so that women who are seeking the company of others in good UU fellowship will find the resources that helped so many of us along the way.

Merry meet,
and merry part,
and merry meet again.


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.
